SCT Videos

Merete Steinbru presenting an SCT lesson to a Preschool class.

Merete Steinbru presenting an SCT lesson to a Preschool class.

Introduction to SCT: Text and Videos

Here is a text and two videos about Systematic Concept Teaching (SCT) that have been published on

By clicking on the link, you will be able to read about SCT and to watch two short embedded videos about this educational and metacognitive approach. The text has previously been published on The text is open and can be read and shared freely.

The text and the videos and have been prepared in collaboration with Tomas Rolland (Communication Advisor UiT Norway's Arctic University) and Jørn Berger Nyvoll (also at UIT), Merete Steinbru (preschool teacher, Harstad) and myself, Andreas Hansen.

A small comment: In the opening part of the text, a sheet of paper is characterized as “the sheet is square”. This is of course wrong. It should be characterized as having a four-sided shape or a rectangular shape.  

Good luck with the reading. Best Regards

Andreas Hansen

 Additional SCT Videos

Following are two videos that provide a general overview of Systematic Concept Teaching as presented by Andreas Hansen. Each video is shown in Norwegian, but the first video includes English subtitles while the second video includes Norwegian subtitles.

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Overview of Systematic Concept Teaching

Short general overview of the Systematic Concept Teaching approach presented by Andreas Hansen in Norwegian with English subtitles and English visuals. Time - 13:15.

Click here to access video clip.

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Overview of Systematic Concept Teaching

Short general overview of the Systematic Concept Teaching approach presented by Andreas Hansen in Norwegian with Norwegian subtitles and visuals. Time - 13:22.

Click here to access video clip.